The Impact of Digital Transformation in Healthcare

The evolution of new technologies is transforming the way people travel, shop, and bank. However, it is yet to make considerable inroads in the healthcare industry.

The concept of digital transformation has never been more important than it is today. As hospitals move from a volume-based model to a value-based one, with a lot of focus on the technology that can improve the patient experience. Digital transformation is a declaration that the healthcare system will continue its evolution from a traditional model to a highly empowered, patient-focused way of working that is informed by real-time technological innovation.

While there are plenty of technological advancements that can help, one of the biggest challenges of digital transformation is to understand where it can make the biggest impact, in what areas, and what parts of the care process so that it can be duly leveraged.

In this article, let’s discuss a few significant digital transformations in the healthcare sector:


Telemedicine can be defined as the use of technology to empower healthcare professionals to analyze, diagnose, offer a prescription, and treat patients virtually. Doctors and patients can use any of the telecommunication devices such as smartphones or tablets via video meeting apps like Zoom.

Big Data

Big data is being used to improve health care in a number of ways. For example, “revolutionary” high-tech medical equipment is being developed to scan patients’ bodies in search of hidden medical issues and diseases that may otherwise go unnoticed. Having this kind of data can enable physicians to develop a more personal relationship with their patients, and hopefully, this will translate into better care. In addition to that, big data is being used to make diagnoses more accurate.

Internet of Things

Internet of Things (IoT) is a technology revolution in healthcare that will bring about revolutionary changes in healthcare systems and care for patients. IoT-based devices can be deployed to monitor and track a patient’s vital signs and deliver better care. By implementing IoT, healthcare facilities can be more proactive about patient safety, allowing for better identification of patient’s risk factors, and provide care accordingly with a more tailored approach.

Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality can be used to improve the healthcare of patients, and it’s a technology that is exploding in popularity. It is a technology that employs the computer-generated simulation of a 3-D picture or environment that entitles a person to see, hear, and interact using special equipment, such as headsets. The healthcare industry is adopting VR to deliver better care to patients.

Winding Up

Digital transformation is happening in healthcare on a massive scale. From monitoring a patient virtually to simple record keeping, technological advancements assist to have more extensive medical care.

Advancements in technology are a great boon in healthcare, and it is up to organizations to embrace these innovations.